
Workers' Compensation Insurance


Workers' Compensation Insurance

Covers injuries or illnesses of employees, owners and officers caused by work, such as, Lost Wages, Medical Expenses, Rehabilitation Expenses, Death Benefits.

Some injuries are not covered by a workers' compensation policy. Examples include injuries caused by intoxication or illegal drug use, as well as those that occur outside of working hours. In addition, if an employee violates company policy in his or her conduct, coverage may not apply. In these cases, the worker may not receive workers' compensation benefits for injuries. Therefore, it is essential that employees understand the limits of their coverage and avoid situations that may exclude them from benefits in the event of on-the-job accidents or injuries.

Who should have workers' compensation insurance?

All states, with a few exceptions, require businesses with non-owner employees to purchase workers' compensation insurance coverage for those employees.

Businesses that fail to provide workers' compensation insurance coverage can face serious and costly repercussions, including out-of-pocket claims payments, fines and possible imprisonment, as well as the possibility of losing the right to do business in the state.

Contact Us

For any inquiries, please send a message using the following form.

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9542973770 - 9548253639