
Personal Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance

In the United States, the odds of accidental death are less than 1 in 1800 per person. If someone has an accident insurance policy and dies accidentally or in close proximity to the incident, the policy would pay a claim in addition to the regular life insurance, if he or she also had that insurance. (Known as double indemnity). This coverage provides an extra benefit in the event of a fatal accident, offering additional financial support to the insured's beneficiaries. It is a valuable option to protect yourself against unforeseen situations and provide financial security for your loved ones.

On Personal Accident Insurance is intended to provide medical assistance in case of accidental and/or occasional bodily injury.

If indicated in the policy, this insurance may additionally provide the following coverages:

  • Indemnity for accidental death.
  • Indemnity for permanent disability: it may be total or partial, depending on the policy you take out.
  • Daily pensions in case of temporary disability during the time you are on sick leave.

Accidents are not clearly defined, as there are many ways a person could die, but these are the most common:

  • Automobile accidents.
  • Drowning
  • Homicide.
  • Travel accidents.
  • Natural disasters.
  • Terrorist attacks.

The most common way insurance companies evaluate whether or not they will pay is by comparing the cause of death to their exclusion list. An exclusion is an instance that may appear to be accidental in nature, but not a reason the company would pay due to the nature of the accident or intent. For example. It may appear accidental if someone overdoses on drugs or alcohol, but if it is self-induced or not responsible, the insurance company will not be liable.

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