


We position ourselves as your leading strategic ally in wealth protection and financial internationalization advisory and consulting services, specifically oriented to a distinguished high-profile clientele in Latin America. Our experience in this segment makes us stand out, offering solutions that transcend borders and safeguard your wealth. We work tirelessly to provide you with a comprehensive approach to ensure the security and optimization of your assets in a global environment. Your success and peace of mind are our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with personalized guidance in the management of your financial and wealth affairs. Let your financial future prosper with our support, backed by years of experience and ever-evolving expertise. Trust us to take your wealth across borders and into new opportunities.

Portfolio internationalization.

  • Restructuring and adequate conformation of a portfolio.
  • Currency devaluation as a determining factor "Country Risk".
  • Direct access to custodians and global investment funds.
  • Unconventional investments: global real estate funds.
  • Latest technology in rebalancing and asset management.

Estate Planning

  • Succession planning.
  • Tax and legal planning.
  • Equity transfer.
  • Heritage preservation.
  • Heritage protection.

Equity Risks.

  • Contractual and Extracontractual Liability.
  • Successor Risks.
  • Tax Risks.
  • Security risks: country risk, information leakage, loss of confidentiality.

Financial Internalization: Protecting Family Wealth

Families are unaware of the need to build and develop a financial internalization plan as a wealth protection strategy and as part of their financial and succession plan.

  • Our work team and its combined experience in the local and international market, as well as its values, are intangible elements that are not easily replicated by other organizations.
  • Assistance: We have an expert team, financial operations manager; each member of the team has the commitment, proactivity and responsibility to carry out each of the processes and financial operations that we have in the portfolio.

Benefit Life Insurance

Life Insurance with
Life Benefit

At DanicaWe understand how important it is to ensure the financial well-being of our clients at all stages of life. That is why we offer Life Insurance with Savings, a policy designed to provide benefits both in life and to protect your loved ones in the event of your death.

We understand that age is a crucial factor, which is why by insuring yourself at younger ages, you can enjoy lower costs and more attractive benefits. As time goes by, opportunities for savings might decrease, so planning ahead ensures a strong financial protection for you and your loved ones.

Our Life Insurance with Savings combines protection for your family in the event of an unfortunate event with the ability to accumulate cash value over time. It's a smart financial strategy that allows you to access your savings to meet important needs while you're still alive, giving you peace of mind and security.

Danica allows you to use your life insurance with savings in these situations:

  • Chronic diseases
  • Cáncer
  • Terminal illness

The third of the above points (terminal illness)The life insurance option has been available for some time in the life policies offered by most companies. The other two areas are relatively new to consumers, although many life insurance carriers now include these options in their policies, either automatically or through a rider.

Accelerated death benefits:

  • This living benefit pays part of the term life benefit if you are terminally ill. With that cash, you can cover medical expenses, debts and more. Many people use the funds to take a vacation to a dream location or create memories with loved ones. There are four things to keep in mind about living benefits:
  • Different insurers have different life expectancy parameters as to when you can access the cash.
  • In some cases, the policy may have to be in force for a certain period of time in order to be eligible for living benefits.
  • You may be charged interest on the portion of the accelerated death benefit that you will use.
  • The amount advanced is usually subtracted from the total amount beneficiaries receive when you die.

A variant of this option is called "Critical illness rider.". This allows you to access benefits during your lifetime if you have a specific illness or disease.

  • Return of premium. With this living benefit, you are reimbursed for all premiums paid during the term of the policy, as long as you do not die during that period. Generally, you pay more for this type of policy than you would with a traditional term policy.
  • Disability premium exemption. This living benefit waives premiums in the event you suffer a long-term disability for six months or more. While it is not a cash benefit, it is a valuable resource since there is a 3 in 10 chance that you will have a disability that prevents you from working for 90 days or more at some point in your working life.

Savings Life Insurance

Life Insurance
with Savings

Discover the exceptional Danica life insurance with savings, which offers you a unique double advantage in the financial market. On the one hand, it works as a solid savings product, generating a reliable return to grow your wealth and ensure a prosperous future for you and your loved ones.

Not all are the same, but there are a number of characteristics that are common to many of them:

  • We are proud to offer a guaranteed return that will protect your investment and allow you to reach your financial goals with confidence.
  • With our exclusive investment plan, we establish a period of time during which your money will be completely protected and you will not be able to access it. This ensures that your investment is safe and that you can obtain the best possible returns.
  • Our experts manage your investment with a conservative approach, carefully choosing financial assets that offer stability and growth over time at a single premium.
  • If you prefer to make a one-time investment, you can also pay the entire amount in a single premium.

"Would you like to retire at 65 with a higher income? You are going to achieve it by deducting, exempting and the money you are going to invest that will generate long-term returns, but also that it is something where the client can make voluntary contributions, because he will have the benefit of the annual deduction, but also increase the returns that this money will have over time."

What is life insurance with savings?

A life insurance with savings, or life savings insurance, as the name suggests, is the union between an insurance or savings plan and a life insurance policy. These insurance policies allow the policyholder to make periodic contributions, with the advantage of being able to modify or pause them if necessary.

Life insurance with savings provides you with liquidity at all times, since the capital can be recovered partially or totally. In the event of the death of the policyholder while the policy is in force, the capital that has been saved is collected including an increase for the additional profitability generated. This saving will go to the beneficiaries indicated by the policyholder in the contract or, if there is no beneficiary, it will be administered by the legal heirs of the deceased.

How does a savings life insurance policy work?

The insured must perform recurring revenue, which counts as contributed capital. The periodicity of this income depends on the type of contract signed with the insurance company and can be month to month, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. There are some seguros de ahorro en los que puedes ingresar todo el capital al inicio y olvidarte de aportaciones periódicas.

At the end of this insurance, the following is delivered the capital and the agreed interest. Unlike other savings instruments, such as pension plans, savings insurance guarantees a return, which will depend on the interest rate at the maturity of the contract.

Term Life Insurance

Life Insurance
to Term

The objective of our Term life insurance  Danica is essentially the same as permanent coverage: to leave a financial legacy for your beneficiaries after your death. Money that they can also enjoy tax-free.

But what makes the term life policy a good option for you is that the amount of that capital is always higher than that of life insurance, compared to what you will pay for it.

For example, you may find in the market a permanent policy with cheap premiums, which do not exceed 30 dollars in monthly installments. You will also find there temporary contracts at a similar cost, between 25 and 30 USD per month.

An Insurance TERM LIFE offers you coverage for a specific period of time or "term" of years. This can be 10, 20 or 30 years.

If the insured person dies within the "term" of the policy and the policy is still in force, i.e., paid-up and therefore active, then the death benefit or sum insured is paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries named in the policy.

This type of insurance generally allows customers to purchase more insurance coverage for less premium than other types of life insurance, such as permanent or whole life insurance, which are more expensive.

This type of insurance gives you the opportunity to have a good amount insured at an excellent price, which will guarantee your next of kin, loved ones or partners the peace of mind of continuing to be protected, even if you are no longer with us, whether you have passed away due to an accident, illness or natural death.

Life Insurance, Savings and Investments

Life Insurance,
Savings and Investments

Life, savings and investment insurance are key financial tools to ensure long-term economic well-being. Life insurance provides financial protection for loved ones in the event of the insured's death, providing vital support in difficult times. In addition, certain types of life policies, such as permanent life insurance, can also function as a form of savings, accumulating cash value over time.

On the other hand, saving is a fundamental practice for securing future goals. Savings products, such as savings accounts or certificates of deposit, offer security and liquidity, allowing the accumulation of funds for emergencies or future projects.

We have the insurance you're looking for.

Testimonials of our clients

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