
Commercial and International Insurance

Commercial and
International Insurance

In the United States, there are domestic and international insurances that offer coverage for various aspects. Domestic insurance includes health, life, home, automobile and liability insurance, among others. These policies are designed to protect citizens in everyday situations and unforeseen events within the country.

On the other hand, international insurance is intended for those traveling or temporarily residing outside the United States. They can cover medical emergencies, evacuations, lost luggage and trip cancellations. It is essential to understand the differences between the two coverages to ensure adequate protection in any situation.

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Car insurance


Auto insurance in the United States is an essential protection for drivers and vehicle owners. Offered by insurance companies, this service provides peace of mind in the event of accidents and liability. Common types of coverage include liability, which covers damage to third parties, and comprehensive and collision coverage, which protects the vehicle itself. The cost of insurance varies depending on factors such as driving history, age and model of the car. The law requires certain levels of coverage, but it is advisable to purchase adequate policies to protect yourself financially in unforeseen situations on the road.

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Complementary health insurance


At any time, accidents can occur, resulting in costly medical and non-medical expenses. The Accident and Sickness Insurance provides cash to help cover these emergencies. If you or a family member is injured, you can use these funds to pay for medical treatment, therapy, medications and other related expenses. In addition, this insurance can also assist in paying for non-medical expenses, such as transportation to medical care, home adaptations for a comfortable recovery and other unforeseen needs. By having this financial protection, you can better meet the challenges that arise after an accident, allowing you to focus on the recovery and well-being of you and your family. It's a way to anticipate the unforeseeable and provide peace of mind during difficult times.

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Obamacare, officially known as the Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act en inglés)The Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare, was a historic reform implemented in the United States in March 2010 under the administration of Barack Obama. Its main goal was to extend healthcare coverage to millions of Americans who previously lacked access to affordable health insurance. The law introduced several important measures, such as the expansion of Medicaid, the creation of health insurance exchanges, and the prohibition of denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Additionally, Obamacare included provisions to reduce prescription drug costs and promote disease prevention. Despite being a subject of political controversy and facing various legal challenges, Obamacare significantly reduced the uninsured rate in the country, thereby allowing greater access to healthcare services for millions of American citizens.

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